
Consider the following complex ions P, Q , and R

$p= [FeF_{6}]^{3-},Q=[V(H_{2}O)_{6}]^{2+} and R= [Fe(H_{2}O)_{6}]^{2+}$

 the correct order of the complex ions. According in their spin-only magnetic moment values (in BM) IS

A) $R\lt Q\lt P$

B) $Q\lt R\lt P$

C) $R\lt P\lt Q$

D) $Q\lt P\lt R$


The compound that  does not liberate CO2, on treatment with aqueous sodium bicarbonate  solution is 

A) benzoic acid

B) benzenesulphonic acid

C) salicylic acid

D) Carbolic acid (phenol)


KI in acetone undergoes SN 2 reaction with each P, Q, R and S. the rates of the reaction varies as


A) P>Q>R>S

B) S>P>R>Q

C) P>R >Q>S

D) R >P >S >Q


The standard enthalpies of formation of CO2(g), H2O(l)  and glucose (s)   at 25° C are -400 kJ/mol, -300kJ/mol and -1300kJ/mol, respectively. The standard enthalpy of combustion per gram of glucose at 25° C  is 

A) +2900kJ

B) -2900kJ

C) -16.11kJ

D) +16.11 MkJ
